Ezra James is here

Brand New Ezra

Our day started bright and early at 5:30 to get prepped for my surgery. We did have some down time waiting for things, but we took advantage of by trying to name our son. Once things got going they started going fast.

In the NICU showing off all his hair

The C-section was pretty hard on me, but tonight I feel much better and everyone is telling me how great am doing after a C-section. Once they delivered Ezra, Dave was able to peek over the curtain and snap some photos for me. The doctors and staff were able to take care of him and bring him around so I could see him. I cried and still long to hold him.

Once Ezra was situated in the NICU and I started feeling better we were able to visit Ezra. He looks so good. This has been a very emotional day for both Dave and I. Tomorrow Ezra will have his surgery on his back. Because the spine opening is so large, about 4cm by 6cm, a plastic surgeon will come in to finish the closure. We don’t know exactly what will need to be done and this might cause his stay to be longer.
It is so hard to be away from my son and I can’t wait until we all are able to be together.

Here are some pictures from the day.

Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement. This has been one of the hardest days of my life but I know God is in control.

  1. Cassie
    January 4, 2011 at 9:08 pm

    Ezra is perfect. Hang in there, this is the hardest part. He is absolutely beautiful and he is going to be just fine. Our kids are rock stars!

  2. Anonymous
    January 4, 2011 at 9:17 pm

    He's a beautiful little boy. Glad he's here and both of you are doing well. My prayers will continue for your family. Blessings! Jodi

  3. Coleman and Lauren
    Coleman and Lauren
    January 4, 2011 at 9:25 pm

    Congratulations! He is beautiful! You are so right- God is in control!! You need this time to recover from your surgery and Ezra is in good hands. Prayers for the surgery tomorrow.

  4. Joanna
    January 4, 2011 at 11:08 pm

    Oh how beautiful! I just found your blog – I'm always finding new ones on the SB kids blog – and I was captivated by his little picture. He's precious. It seems like it was yesterday when my little guy looked just like that and I was where you are – worried and wondering what was going to happen next. But I will tell you it will all be okay very soon and you will look back on these days and just remember how tiny and perfect he was. 🙂 Praying for you and Ezra – God is watching over you both. Much love!

  5. Stacy
    January 5, 2011 at 7:46 pm

    He is so precious! We're praying for you guys. Looks like Atreyu is having fun in the room!

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