Finally home
We made it. We are so happy to finally be home.
Ezra’s head ultrasound on Friday was fine and we got the final clear to get out of there. A few of the nurses we still freaking out about the long trip home and Ezra being in the car seat. We just wanted to get out of there, the doctors had cleared us to go home. There were way too many people involved in getting Ezra out of there and some thought they knew better, but everyone eventually got on the same page and we were outta there!
For the drive home we had to stop every 30 mins and give Ezra’s back a break. To help it heal better he needs lots of blood flow around his wound. It took us 4 hours to get home but we didn’t care, even Atreyu did great in the long car ride.
Once we were home it was a little stressful having to unpack. But most of it is done and we are just so excited to be here. Ezra is doing great at home. Today Atreyu heard Ezra crying and brought him a toy to make him feel better. I think he is getting the idea that Ezra is here to stay.