Day 9

Well today felt like a really good day. It started out with Ezra having poop everywhere! but we got him cleaned up and changed his dressing on his back and it got better from there.
We are starting to get to know the nurses better and Ezra is building his team that will continue to care for him. It is so nice to walk in and see a familiar face and know that they are comfortable with Ezra. These nurses are so encouraging to be around and help me to do as much as I can with Ezra.
I am starting to feel tons better from the c-section. It feels better to get around and have a lot more energy.
Ezra had a big day. He was taken off his antibiotics, which means his IV was able to come out. His head is so cute without an IV. Also they were able to take out his catheter to see if he could pee on his own. And of course the little rockstar did. They will keep and eye on it and make sure he is emptying his bladder. If he isn’t they may have to put it back in or cath him a few times a day.
The doctors stopped by and said Ezra is doing fine. Which sounds good to me.
Tomorrow I think Dave and I are going to try to get out of the hospital, I think we are both getting a little cabin fever and need some fresh air. But everything went well today.