We’ve been hoping for dramatic improvements but instead Ezra has been making baby steps. They are however steps forward, and closer to going home. Over the weekend he came off the heater and today, he got
permission to lay half on his back. It’s not all the way on his back, but in baby step fashion, half. The physical therapist can do more with him now and we get to hold him in more positions. When things don’t happen on your schedule it you have to trust more.
Today we were able to start helping with his dressing changes, since we will still be doing that once he goes home. Slowly we are meeting requirements to go home and someday, hopefully soon they will tell us, “go home.”
Kelly & Chris Bickley
February 21, 2011 at 10:54 amWe have been praying daily for God’s healing miracles for Ezra and strength for all of you. Your faith is such an inspiration and Ezra’s healing progress is testimony to God’s faithfulness and answered prayer. It was a delight to see you all at church yesterday! Praise God! So glad you are finally home:)