Wellness and plastic surgeons

This week we had a few appointments so it was a little busy. The boys had there 6 month and 18 month check ups.

Atreyu grew a ton, which I figured he would. He has been eating so much. He now weighs 25lbs and is 35 in tall. He is starting to pick up more words. Most our conversations go like this…

A: rock…rock…rock
Me: yup that’s a rock
A: bird..tweet tweet…bird…tweet tweet tweet…
Me: yup thats a bird.

And on and on. It’s pretty fun.


Ezra is 12 lbs 7 ounce and 24 1/4 in tall. which means he gained one ounce and a quarter inch since his 4 month check up. The doctor doesn’t seem worried right now, so hopefully Ezra will continue to grow. I have seen him getting stronger. His favorite thing is to raise his head up and start talking to me at 2 in the morning. But he couldn’t get his head that stable before so I am pretty excited for him.

When he is upright he still doesn’t control his head. It is a little frustrating but I know he will get there, he is a tiny boy with a big head to hold up.

We also had a plastic surgeon appointment in Grand Rapids. We drove down 2 1/2 hours for our 5 min appointment, but it is good to follow up and make sure everything is still healing right. Which it is.

4 months old

Ezra had his normal 4 month check up this week. technically he had it when being almost 5 months, but close enough. He is 12 lbs 6 oz. 24 in tall. He is growing so well, even though he is still small.

I had the camera on him for a few minutes trying to get a smile, a tongue sticking out, a really adorable frown, just something! But nope, Ezra just was so content.

Last week we went down to Grand Rapids to follow up with his Urologist. We woke up bright and early to make our 9 am appointment. He had an ultrasound to make sure his bladder and kidneys are still health, and they are. Since Ezra can’t feel what is going on with his bladder and whether or not he needs to pee we need to continue to monitor everything to make sure it is emptying and working. Once his bladder is full the pee just leaks out, which is fine for a baby but as he gets older there are options we will look at to help him not need to be in diapers. But for now he gets to be a baby.

Later the family spent the day around Grand Rapids and we met some other Spina Bifida parents for lunch. It was nice to chat and catch up. We are blessed to have other parents to talk and relate too.

Growing boys

We had a normal doctor appointment for the boys yesterday.

Ezra at 11 weeks is 11 lbs and 22 in. tall and doing great.
Here he is trying to lift that huge heavy head of his. He is getting stronger.








Atreyu at 15 months is 22 lbs 10 oz. and 33 in. tall, and still cute as ever.














Here are the boys trying to play together.








And my new double stroller came today! I can’t wait till it stops snowing to start going for walks with it. Atreyu already loves it.

one month old

Today Ezra turned one month old. When he was born he was 5 lbs 8 oz and 19 in. long. Today he is 8 lbs 8 oz and 20 in. long. He is a little chunker, he is gaining about 3 or 4 oz a day. Which is great. I had some cuddles today, and no one stopped by to tell us anything has changed. We were able to turn his bed off so he can start keeping himself warm. He is so good at that and he looks cute with a little blanket.