Lauren Gets to Hold Her Baby!

16 days after his birth, Lauren got to hold Ezra for the first time.  Yesterday, the surgeons cleared Ezra to be held.  His back has a long way to heal, but he is doing well enough to be held.  Its a simple thing, but it is a big deal when you are not able to hold your child.

We talked to the neonatologist about Ezra’s head growth.  It is a little larger than average, but it is measuring within a normal growth curve.  The last ultrasound showed that the fluid levels had not increased, but neurology still thinks that he will eventually need a shunt.  So far the doctors have been surprised by some of his progress, and we pray that this is one more thing that they will be surprised about.

Two weeks since the surgery

Plastics stopped by while I was sitting with Ezra. They were really optimistic. They said his back is healing much better than expected. Everyday it is noticeably looking better and better. I asked if they think with the way things are going if Ezra would need another surgery on his back. He said with the way things are healing he probably wont. Which of course is amazing! God is so good, thank you for the prayers. Also plastics approved Ezra to be on his back for short periods of time (which means he can get all his other testing done and do some more PT). Also with Ezra’s miraculous healing I get to hold him if Neuro says it is alright. Neuro didn’t stop by today so hopefully tomorrow, if not I will have them paged so I can ask, cause I want to just cuddle with my little boy.


Today was a good day but at the same time I feel like I have been here forever. I am ready to go home, Atreyu is definitely ready to go home, and I am pretty sure Dave is too. Were just waiting on the other one! They are still thinking another 4 to 6 weeks for the wound to heal enough to go home, pray it goes fast!

The Start of Week Three

The kids these days are born with iPhones

Today was pretty uneventful in the NICU.  Lauren felt great today, which was really nice.  Atreyu on the other hand had a tough day.  He has had 6 teeth coming in all at once, and today he just wasn’t his day.  I stayed in the room with him all day, rather than taking him to go see his little brother.  He had a hard time going to sleep, but now he is asleep and hopefully, like his mom, he will feel great tomorrow.

Day 14

Is that a smile?

Today Ezra had a lot of visitors from many different Doctors. There was physical therapy, urology, neurology and ultra sound.    Physical therapy showed Lauren some stretches that we can do with Ezras legs.  They also talked about some of the things that he will be doing once he can be on his back.  Urology stopped by to check his bladder, but we haven’t learned the results yet.  They too have to wait until Ezra can be on his back to do more thorough tests.  Neurology, said that he is doing good.  There has been no change in the amount of fluid in his head, so still no shunt for another week.

Also Ezra has been doing well enough with his feeding that he gets to do on demand feeding.  Before he had fix amounts that he had to take on a rigid schedule.  Now he can eat how ever much he want, when he wants as long as he meets a daily total.

Atreyu the curious

Lauren hasn’t been feeling too well, so we hope that she isn’t coming down with anything.  If she gets sick she may not be able to spend time in the NICU.

The Feeding Tube is Gone!

Today we are excited to announce that Ezra does not have any tubes sticking into him.  No IV, no catheter, and now, no feeding tube.  Over the last day he made a huge advancement in his eating. Before he was finishing some of his bottles, and it took him a while.  Now he is finishing every bottle in under 20 minutes, some of them in as little as 6 minutes.  He is starting to look more like a normal baby now that he doesnt have things tape to him and sticking in him any more.

Tomorrow he gets another head ultra sound to check the status of the fluid in his head.  His head measured larger today, so we will find out if that is from more fluid buildup.  We pray that there is not any more fluid.