The Feeding Tube is Gone!

Today we are excited to announce that Ezra does not have any tubes sticking into him.  No IV, no catheter, and now, no feeding tube.  Over the last day he made a huge advancement in his eating. Before he was finishing some of his bottles, and it took him a while.  Now he is finishing every bottle in under 20 minutes, some of them in as little as 6 minutes.  He is starting to look more like a normal baby now that he doesnt have things tape to him and sticking in him any more.

Tomorrow he gets another head ultra sound to check the status of the fluid in his head.  His head measured larger today, so we will find out if that is from more fluid buildup.  We pray that there is not any more fluid.

  1. Tabitha Korson
    Tabitha Korson
    January 17, 2011 at 10:38 am

    I remember when Inga didn’t have to have any more tubes in her,..I hated having things poking into her or down her nose!!! What a good feeling for you guys to have them gone!

  2. Lauren
    January 17, 2011 at 7:32 pm

    I know I love it. He is so cute without all those tubes!

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